Wildwood Gallery

Woodturning by Robbie Graham

Ancient Kauri Vessel

Height: 165mm (6 1/2")
Diameter: 320mm (12 5/8")
Wall thickness: 2 to 6mm (3/16 to 1/4")
$1,950 US $2,700 NZ SOLD

This vessel is turned and carved from Ancient Kauri (Swamp Kauri). The piece was turned then cut into three pieces, carved on the inside then laced back together with plaited tussock grass.

Kauri Aganthis australis
This species grows up to 30m in height and a 3m diameter trunk. Found from Northland to Tauranga. Ancient Kauri or swamp Kauri is Kauri which has been buried up to 50000 years in peat bogs in the northern part of the North Island.

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